I'm wondering what the best way is to integrate the RK008 and RK006 with other sequences if you want to play live and make use of the routing feature on the RK008?
I really like the simplicity of the routing feature for allowing me to keep my MIDI keyboard on one channel but still send the notes to whichever channel I want. However, the problem is that if I'm doing this while jamming and have any sequences running from something else then the RK008 sees the notes for all of those channels and routes all of that to whatever destination channel I'm routing to.
I'd tried figuring out the MIDI filters on the RK006 but found it a bit confusing for how to set this up on the USB port.
Right now I'm using a Circuit Tracks along with a MIDI keyboard and I'd like t one able to use the Circuit's 2 MIDI tracks for some sequencing. I know I could potentially just turn off MIDI not Tx on the Circuit and only use it for sequencing its own internal synths and drums but it feels like there should be a better option. I'd also like to potentially add something like a Torso T-1 or Oxi One to my setup for their generative capabilities and then I'd definitely want to be able to still use the routing features on the RK008 while they're running sequences as well.
What I was hoping I could do was connect the MIDI out from my keyboard directly to the MIDI in on the RK008 and then connect the RK008 to the RK006 via the USB connection so that I can power both off the same USB charging port. Then I'd hook any other sequencers into the MIDI in ports on the RK006. I think to make that work I'd need to setup the right filter on the RK006 so that it doesn't send notes to the RK008 via USB.
Alternatively, I know I could use 2 TRS cables for the MIDI connections between the RK008 and RK006. The filtering options on the MIDI out ports are a lot easier to understand so I think that filtering out the note data might be easier. But, that feels like I'm needlessly tying up ports on both devices and then I'd still need a 2nd USB port to power the RK008 so it just feels messy.
Has anybody else come up with a good solution for this kind of workflow?