I just bought a RK002 for my digitakt, apart of being quite expensive it's really a great cable and solution so thank you. I tried it and so far it's all good but there is one thing which I think needs to be improved.
let's say I play, on an external midi controller, two notes with my left hand as a long drone. so it addresses voice 1 and 2, then I start to play two notes with my right hand and the first two notes addresses 3 and 4. so I reach maximum polyphone set to 4 and all good here.
then when I release the two notes on the right hand and play two more notes without releasing the two notes on the left, but it cuts the sound on my left hand even if I have two voices freed up. it always cycle 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 no matter what the release of the note is.
It would require a note taking over where it should wait for the note OFF before releasing and some sort of preferences where you can chose bass notes have priority or long note priority...
another scenario is this
I have one note playing a long sostenuto drone, and another note playing quarters... after the third quarter the voice will take over the lower note, even though I have 3 voices unused...
(increasing the polyphony, just move the issue later. but still it will cut the low note, even without NOTE OFF has been sent)
it needs to have some sort of NOTE OFF priority
I hope I explained it clear?
Is it possible to address this issue as it makes the cable basically useless to pay it in real world situations?
thank you