I need help: I have a Numa Compact 2 keyboard connected to a MIDI EVM module. I programmed the RK002 so that playing the last notes of the keyboard (from A-1 to G#1) on channel 5 sends specific Ketron sysex commands, while everything else should pass through unchanged. I wrote the code, compiled it, and uploaded it to the RK002. I connected the orange terminal to the IN port of the module and the black terminal to the OUT port of the Numa Compact, but nothing happens, not even the notes on channel 1 pass through.
I've tried everything possible, but I can't figure out where I'm going wrong. I even tried leaving the orange terminal on the MIDI interface (IN) and only moving the black connector to the OUT of the keyboard, but neither on my monitor program nor in the downloader do any messages appear.
Since programming works without issues, I don't think there are any hardware failures, so there must be something simple that I'm overlooking. Do you have any suggestions?
The simple program
#include <RK002.h>
void setup() { }
void loop() { }
should work as if it were a normal passive cable, right?
Please help me... :-(