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All Discussions
Feature requests
Correct RK-002 firmware option at purchase?
RK-002 + Korg microSampler
RK-008 does not connect to PC at all (CP2014 device not found)
Polymux Feature for USB Devices?
Can not get RK006 to finish FW upgrade
Play Volca Sample 2 chromatic
Slaving Torso T1 start/stop and clock to M8 with RK-006?
USB outs using OTG cable?
Use RK002 as a normal MIDI cable?
Beatstep Pro & Electribe Sampler 2
Connection difficulties with RK006 to IOS device, or to Mac
RK008 Firmware updates
How to sync RK008 with a multitrack recorder such as Zoom R8/R16/R24 ?
Record parts on the fly when Rk008 is slaved.
DOES RK-008 record sysex?
RK-002 not running anymore and can't update with new firmware.
BLE sync in
Soldering to convert RK-003 into signal splitter
Can you set MIDI channel filters for individual ports?
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